With the laid back vibe, welcoming outdoorsy community, and sustainable values of the “Granola Girl Aesthetic”, it’s no wonder why the term Granola is having a special moment on social media right now (search Granolatok on Tik Tok and thank me later). In my opinion however, to be Granola is about more than just dressing the part. If we dig deep into the roots of where the term “Granola” came from, you can see how this aesthetic is more of a lifestyle rooted in sustainable living values than just an aesthetic influencing you to look a certain way.
At its core, the term Granola is about embracing a natural and sustainable lifestyle, while being more mindful with your lifestyle choices and making an effort to connect to nature more often. On that note, living a sustainable lifestyle doesn’t have to be expensive. It is absolutely possible to embrace the Granola Girl lifestyle on a budget. From shopping second hand to being mindful with your purchases, here are six of my favourite tips for the people looking to embrace a crunchy life.
#6 Shop Secondhand

One issue I have with the Granola Girl aesthetic trending, is that it’s encouraging people to purchase a lot of new clothes to dress a certain way. Fast fashion is the third largest polluting industry and if you’re wanting to embrace the sustainable values of the granola lifestyle, make sure to curb the industry as much as possible. Instead, try to embrace the thrift store experience and shop for secondhand clothing and home goods. By giving used items a second life, you’ll save money and reduce your environmental impact.
Check out the DIY section on my blog for some easy upcycled and thrifty hacks.
#5 Grow Your Own Food

Growing your own food is not only a sustainable option but also a cost-effective one. Contrary to popular belief, you don’t need a big backyard to start a small herb or vegetable garden. Even growing a few herbs in your windowsill can save you money on groceries. Some fresh produce like green onions and lettuce purchased from the grocery store can easily be rerouted and grow inside with a little TLC.
This tip isn’t produce related, but making your own nut/oat milk is incredibly easy and cost-effective. Not to mention it’s an extremely good way to curb the single-use plastic packaging most plant-based milk comes in. Check out my recipe here.
#4 Buy in Bulk

Buying in bulk is a great way to save money and reduce packaging waste. More and more bulk food grocers are popping up with the mission to reduce plastic waste, and they’re a great option to stock up on some pantry essentials in a greener way. Look for bulk bins at your local grocery store and stock up on items like grains, nuts, and dried fruit.
#3 Use Reusable Items

This one may be a no-brainer, but I’m mentioning it because there’s a right way to stock up on reusable items. Instead of over-consuming a bunch of reusable items that you may not even use/need, use what you currently have until you need to replace it. When the time comes to get a new tote bag, shaver, toothbrush, dish scrubber (the list goes on), consider replacing them after they have run their course with a more sustainable product. Some reusable items that come to mind are cloth napkins, reusable water bottles, cloth tote bags, loofahs, bamboo toothbrushes, steel shaving razors, and the list goes on!
#2 DIY Household Cleaners
Instead of buying expensive household cleaners, make your own with simple and natural ingredients like vinegar, baking soda, and lemon juice. Not only are they cost-effective, but sometimes they’re also safer for you and the environment. Keep in mind some DIY options won’t actual disinfect, but a lot of DIY cleaners are perfect options for removing limescale and grime.
#1 Look for Secondhand Outdoors Gear (or consider renting)

The Granola lifestyle hugely involves embracing the outdoors and all that nature has to offer. If you’re looking to incorporate more hiking and camping into your sustainable lifestyle, it’s important to have the right gear to do these activities safely. A great way to curb the high price tag that comes with buying new gear is to shop second hand. Thrift stores, Craigslist and Facebook Marketplace are all great options for slowly building up your arsenal of hiking or camping gear. My recommendation would be to start looking on these sites during the off season for better chances of a good find and less competition.
If you’re a beginner looking to get started with a new outdoor hobby like hiking or backpacking, consider renting the gear a few times before committing to buying it. Renting is a great option because these companies will often pre-pack your gear for you and include everything you need. If you think you’re only going to need gear once or twice a season, renting could be a more cost effective option for you.
By incorporating these tips into your lifestyle, you can embrace the Granola lifestyle without breaking the bank. Just make sure to be mindful with your purchases and refrain from over-consuming and supporting fast fashion. The Granola lifestyle doesn’t have to be expensive, and with a little creativity and resourcefulness, you can live a more sustainable life on a budget.